
  • Latin name: Echinacea Angustifolia
  • CAS No.:84696-11-7
  • Specifications: min. 0.6%, 1% & 4% Echinacoside / Polyphenols, or D: E = 4: 1 & 20: 1
  • Part used: roots
  • Test Method: HPLC


It is a species of North American plant belonging to the sunflower family. It is widespread in much of the Great Plains of central Canada and the United States.

Echinacea angustifolia is a perennial herb up to 40-70 centimeters tall.

Therapeutic properties

Immunostimulating action: it has a good non-specific immunostimulating action confirmed by experimental tests such as increased phagocytosis (ability to incorporate bacteria, viruses and foreign bodies) of total white blood cells and neutrophils in particular, of the differentiation of immature white blood cells into mature white blood cells, of production and activity of macrophages and the production of interferons and interleukins, all very important substances for immune processes. It has also been shown that this plant is able to oppose the depressive action on the immune system typical of many antibiotics.

Side effects and contraindications: it can cause allergy in patients suffering from intolerance to Asteraceae. If given in high doses for long periods of time it can disturb the liver, and should be used with caution and under medical supervision in people with liver problems.