
  • Latin Name: Aesculus Hippocastanum
  • CAS No.: 8053-39-2
  • Active Ingredient: Escin
  • Specifications: 5%
  • Test Method: UV-VIS
  • Part used: Seeds
  • Appearance: Fine yellow brown powder



The horse chestnut (aesculus hippocastanum) is a long-lived and rustic tree species native to the Balkans and Greece. Today, however, it is widespread in all temperate zones of the Old Continent. From the plains to the highest altitudes, from dry to cold climates and from fertile to more arid or acidic soils, the horse chestnut is perhaps one of the trees that best adapts to any type of environment and territory. In fact, it is also very resistant to pollutants, to which it reacts by coloring the edges of the foliage red. From its seeds, chestnuts, a powerful remedy for vascular disorders is obtained, widely used in aesthetics in face and body treatments: escin, a mixture of saponins, or substances with a strong anti-inflammatory, vaso-protective and vaso-constrictive activity.


  • Improves venous circulation
  • Strengthening action on capillaries and veins
  • Vasoprotective action
  • Anti-inflammatory effect