Following the RASFF alert n.2021.3300 of 23.06.2021 which relates a serious adverse event of fulminant liver toxicity in a subject following the intake of a food supplement containing Garcinia Cambogia, the Ministry of Health requests to evaluate the suspension precautionary measures for the sale of products containing this botanical species.

Below is the information:


SUBJECT: Information on current initiatives on food supplements containing Garcinia Cambogia on alert 2021.3300, as well as the previous 2020.1614

With reference to the information reported in question, the following is represented.
Following the food alert no. 2021.3300 – following a similar incident of 2020.1614 – on supplements containing Garcinia Cambogia in light of the extremely serious situation regarding the effects of this supplement and the need to assess the situation, a note will be sent to the FBOs who have notified supplements of this type with the request to evaluate the precautionary suspension of the marketing, including the possible online sale, of the supplements containing the plant in question and / or to take the appropriate measures to address any safety problems related to the product.
The associations in this direction are asked to give the news as much as possible, for the appropriate checks by all operators in the sector, including uses as loose herbs, which could be interested in the problem.