
  • Latin name: Laminaria Japonica
  • CAS No .: 92128-82-0
  • Active Ingredient: Iodine
  • Specifications: 0.5% iodine
  • Test Method: HPLC
  • Part used: Whole plant
  • Appearance: Fine brown powder
  • Standard: GMP, Kosher, HALAL, ISO9001, HACCP


The Kelp Algae are very large and belong to the Brown Algae family (Phaeophyceae), of the Laminaria family. There are around 30 different genres. Thanks to its high concentration of iodine, brown Kelp seaweed (Laminaria) has been used since the Middle Ages for the treatment of goiter, an enlarged thyroid gland caused by an iodine deficiency. Algae are the best natural source of iodine, along with marine plant atria.


Healthy thyroid, higher energy levels, reproductive health, cancer prevention, expels toxins present in the body, helps to have healthier hair and nails.


  • Cosmetic field: it is a sort of water-soluble natural polymer, with anti-inflammatory sterilization effect, used instead of glycerin as a new type of highly moisturizing cream.
  • Pharmaceutical field: it is the raw material of the new traditional medicine, often used in kidney care products.