
  • Latin name: Artemisia Absinthium L.
  • CAS No: 84929-19-1
  • Specifications: min. 1% & 98-99% Artemisin
  • Test Method: HPLC
  • Part used: Whole plant


They are plants whose height can vary from 0.5 to 1.5 m; in America they can even reach 3 m. The biological form is terofita scaposa, that is, they are herbaceous plants that differ from other biological forms because, being annuals, they overcome the adverse season in the form of seeds; they also have an erect floral axis with, at times, few leaves. The plants are basically hairless and have a strong aromatic smell. These plants are also latex-free (like the other Asteraceae); however, they contain ethereal oils and sesquiterpene lactones.


The medicinal properties of these plants (always according to folk medicine) are:

  • antiseptic (property of preventing or slowing down the development of microbes);
  • antispasmodic (relieves muscle spasms, and also relaxes the nervous system);
  • antimalarial
  • carminative (promotes the escape of intestinal gas);
  • diaphoretic (facilitates skin transpiration);
  • emmenagogue (regulates menstrual flow);
  • expectorant (promotes the expulsion of bronchial secretions);
  • eupeptic (promotes digestion);
  • bitter tonic (digestive);
  • antidiabetic (from the roots – fights diabetes disease).